Black Snow stands for Ukraine!
War never changes.
It only becomes
more bloody and brutal¹
At 3.40AM on February 24 many of us in the Black Snow team awakened with the sounds of artillery explosions as Russia started an unwarranted full-scale war of aggression against Ukraine. It has now been over a month and our homes, hospitals, schools and people are under constant attack. Our team remains in Ukraine, advancing our state-of-the art AR technology and helping those affected by the war and the Ukrainian army as best we can.
We have just released a special version of the Black Snow game where 100% of purchases will be transferred to the Ukrainian Army fund. Destroy alien invaders and their Z crafts in the game and help the Ukrainian Army do the same in the real world. It is a simple and fast way to help.
The player’s fleet is now in the colors of the Ukrainian flag and we have introduced a unique Ukrainian “password” to identify aliens. “Palyanytisa,” a Ukrainian bread, became famous, because aliens cannot pronounce this word. The word got on the pages of New York Times. In the game, players can buy different-sized Palyanytisas to send their support to the Ukrainian Army.
#StopRussianAggresion #StandWithUkraine #StopWarinUkraine
¹Origin: American Neutrality Policy: Hearings on Present Neutrality Law (public Res. No. 27) April 11 – May 2, 1939
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